Art Journal

Nature Ramblings ~ Past Times Time Travel ~ Romancing Daily Life

Monday, January 30, 2012

Dark Dreamers: Gypsy Crows

Crows have been gathering in a regular encampment in my neighborhood over the past week or so. From the Sunday San Francisco Chronicle(*),  I learned that we're not the only block in the Bay Area to be  encountering these gypsy boys.

* Keeping up with the Corvids (Clever Crows Crowd Bay Area Eaton and Sullivan)

Click on my illustration above, and enter darkness

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Olive Another My Dear

It turns out that the public community 
Cañada College, where I take my programming classes and native plants class* was built on the site of an old olive ranch. Ain't that just so terribly historical California like? Golly how romantic, unless mebbe the workers were getting the shaft. Let's hope not... then we can peruse the romantic images. 

* That's the one to give me a break from the programming classes except that there's a bunch of home time stuff I want to do now for that too. And yes there are about 6 hours of in class time/week, so it's not just about heading in for a party amongst the manzanita once a week

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Redwood Time

Ancient Redwoods sure put regular fussing in it's place.

How big a deal is anything going to seem to them, living as long as they do?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Time Travel Portholes

....pretty sure we could spin through time in any one of these.
Just not sure where we might end up.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Checker Mallow

I'm taking the California Native Plants class this semester along with two tough programming classes. Next week I also start docent training at Edgewood County Park, where I photographed this Checker Mallow, to become a wildflower docent.

Once more let's shout Hooray! for the people who came before us and set aside green spaces in urban areas.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Forward in Time

School starts this coming week. I'm a lot more comfortable traveling backwards in time than I am planning a trip forward.
