Art Journal

Nature Ramblings ~ Past Times Time Travel ~ Romancing Daily Life

Friday, November 5, 2010

We're Playing the Glad Game Once More

Please click on the picture above
to get a better idea of my response to two days of codine

With a tip of my hat to dear little Pollyanna of Edwardian fame. Remember how she appreciated those crutches in the Ladies Aid barrel, even though she badly wanted a dolly? Because her kindly father told her that she should be so glad she didn't need those crutches! Of course then he died less than a chapter later. In those days, nobody seemed to be concerned for the resulting psychoses the little darling was sure to develop by adulthood.

Just kept playing that Glad Game the last few days, even though it felt like that rock hammer my husband keeps for field work, was lodged right inside my brain. I sure do appreciate access to modern western medicine. Some other time, some other place, I would have just died from an infected tooth root. You gotta love this kind of pain, when you know it will be over after a few days.

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