Art Journal

Nature Ramblings ~ Past Times Time Travel ~ Romancing Daily Life

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Time Travel: Blast Off From Millbrae

Engaged on an exploratory walk in suburban Millbrae last Friday, I was surprised to find that not all Time Portals sport that vintage look.

Clicking on the picture above, may be useful to you, if there's a short, efficient time-hop in your plans.


  1. I agree! I often felt that the Sokolniki Metro Station in Moscow was a Time Portal...and strange metro station reverie was 1916, in Suzdal...a city of the Golden Ring to the northeast of Moscow. It was not a happy life.

  2. And we think it's hard packing or current time travel!

    Sheesh, my check list for B.C.E. is two scrolls long. And it takes me 3 hours just to get my camel packed.


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