Art Journal

Nature Ramblings ~ Past Times Time Travel ~ Romancing Daily Life

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

First Signs of Fall:Feed The Birds

Super duper,
bird feeders

100% guaranteed

Long Lasting

Hurry! Resources are Disappearing Fast

Please click on the picture to view more details of this amazing, offer


  1. That is cool. Love all those colors!! Reminds me of the little, itsy bitsy seeds (zillions of them) in our driveway which the little birds go crazy over...what looks like "weeds" to us is "feeds" to them.

  2. I get a lot more pleasure watching birds eat things that grow than I do watching them eat something from a bird feeder.

    And no concerns about dependancies on people filling that feeder.

    I remember how bad a neighbor felt when a hawk swooped down on his feeder and took off with a tiny bird. For some reason, if that happens in a bush or tree you feel different. Why is that?


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