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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Peggy's Place In Bloom

Peggy lives on my biking and walking route downtown. This house belongs to her and her husband. They live there and also rent out rooms to other people. If I'm walking by heading to the store at the end of a work day, I sometimes see them gathering on the porch, just like in something out of a novel, or an Andy Griffith t.v. segment. Except that Peggy's roomers are more ethnically diverse than those in Mayberry.

Peggy once gave me some lemons and has also gave me some valuable advice about making a protest sign when I was getting ready to go to the March-In-March protest for California public college funding. When I took this photo, earlier this month, the Cecile Breuner roses where in bloom over Peggy's porch. CLICK on the picture for more rose detail. That's my bike parked in front. It's pretty much the same color as the roses.

I altered the original photo using Photoshop CS4's the colored pencil filter. I also made the digital mat with Photoshop, extracting the color from the roses .
