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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Performing in the Moment OR Who's Paddling This Canoe Anyway?

Marcia and I performed together today. We did "Nell Cor Piu Non Mi Sento" a lovely Italian aria from the 18'th century. I got to sing.

Marcia played BOTH flute and piano. First, as we rehearsed it, she played the introductory part before the vocalist comes in. I stood and attempted to look both reflective, and a little humorous at the thought of my 18'th century boyfriend's infatuation with me. Being a first soprano, I made it clear that I would EXPECT him to be infatuated. Because that's the way first sopranos have been made since the dawn of time. We rule. We carry the melody about 95% of the time. And we get real cranky the other 5 percent, because we don't actually read music as well as the other voice parts, not really having to do it as often.

I was in the moment! Oooo I was enjoying singing the song so much that I forgot to hold out the 'nellllll' right a the most important part! That was the part where, as we had practiced, Marcia was going to stow her FLUTE on the stand and move her hands up to the piano to play the accompanying chords. Buuuuuttt, gosh I was SO into the moment, I just knew she'd come right along with me.

I LOVED IT, but maybe, just MAYBE it was not as fun for the woman switching instruments mid-stream. It was kind of like she was out there in a canoe, paddling away with a Steinway under one arm and a flute under the other - doing all the work to keep the boat bobbing in the stream. Meanwhile I was standing upright in the canoe, at the prow, singing "Loookkkk at Meeeee. I'm going down streeeaaaammmm!"

It was extremely nice of her not to drop me in the flood.
