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Otaria Z. californianus
California Sea Lions enjoying the
Ultimate Beach Party Scene
This sea lion harem doesn't need to slather on the #50 sunblock I would need if I were going to hang out with them in this perfect fantasy of a California beach day. Not for them the importance of personal space. They prefer the flipper to squid-smelling-jaw safety of absolutely sisterly closeness.
I didn't realize until recently that sea lions can, and do, live in fresh water for short periods of time. They have been spotted snacking on salmon as far as 200 miles up the Colombia River.
My idea of the perfect beach-going lunch to share with this truly comradely bunch of girls?
Sea-Lion Favorite Monterey Bay Sandwiches
* Fresh sourdough baguette
(just tear it with your flippers)
smeared with
* Artichoke and Cream Cheese Spread (Trader Joes has a good one)
* Thinly sliced japanese cucumber marinated in some rice wine vinegar for a couple of hours
(the girls on the beach would probably prefer SEA cucumbers)
* Slivers of smoked salmon
(the gals might prefer theirs raw)
Some sparkling lemonade for me and some brined bubbly for my friends
(photo altered with Photoshop CS4, photocopy over dry brush filters)