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Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Heart of The Music

Please CLICK ON the picture to see the glorious details

It’s been a tremendous pleasure singing right in the 'midst of the Junge Kammerphilharmonie Freiburg I’ve sung with instrumentalists and orchestras before, but they were separated from the chorus, and usually seem to be uninterested in the singers. Here, we are cheek by jowl with a chance to nearly touch each other’s music as it emerges.

The concert master, from my point of view in the middle of the stage, takes on a new role. He doesn’t just lead the strings, he encompasses them. His body and violin lean back toward his section, eyes and bow sweeping back and directing the form for a sea of moving wands.

I’m close enough to watch the blond wind player switch from her clarinet to her piccolo. The first notes tremble out bird-like. Then I eye the French horns as they take their shimmering brass bells in hand. The first mellow notes of their part, resonate in my own body as the notes rise up from my diaphragm into my own instrument.


The Concert Master In Rehearsal

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